Monday, May 25, 2015

1st,1st,1st, and party !

At Richmond Yacht Club the coaches count the points after each race. At the end of the season, there is a banquet to present awards for the 29erLaserOpti, and El toro classes.

For the Opti class, during the year we competed for three trophies, which are the Midwinters, Brooks Island race, and the Overall results over the whole season. I was the winner of these 3 trophies this year :-).

When you win the Overall season results you have your name on a board that has all the names of the winners since they started. Here is a picture of the boards and my name on it. The Opti board is on the right, and if you look at the one on the left (Junior Laser) you can see the name of the ex-tactician of Oracle Team USA, John Kosteki, who sailed at the RYC when he was young.

Here are some other pictures from the banquet:

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