Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What a great week-end :-)!!!!

On November 15th, I learned that an other sailor from a different class won the Route du Rhum. His name is Francois Gabart. He has also won the Vendee Globe which is a race on a 60 foot boat and you're alone around the world. He has not only won it, but he is the youngest to have won it ever, and the record holder. By the way, he is only 29 years old today. One of the cool facts about him is that he started sailing with Optis. If you didn't know, most of the best sailors started sailing on Optis.

Here is a picture of Francois Gabart sailing on an opti.

Here is the wikipedia page of Francois Gabart.

My grandparents are staying at my  house and my grandpa helped out at the RYC this week-end. If you volunteer, you either help putting the boats in the water or serving lunch.

I also went sailing on Jerome Lecat's Folksboat. We went to Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay, and had a picnic. When we wanted to leave, we had a problem: we couldn't pull the anchor. What happened is that this really big boat came and got his anchor stuck on ours. So we couldn't move. We ended up cutting our anchor's line and putting a boue on it.

This is my dad and I.

This is my grandpa and I.

1 comment:

  1. Les petits cours d'eaux font les grandes rivières. Les expériences que tu emmagasinent construisent de manière très "ancrées" tes plaisirs et tes succès de demain. Enjoy, my sweet love.
